…or How I Ended Up in an All-Girls School in Kenya.

Kenyan girls with drums

L-R: Robin, a student and Sister Rose

Kenyan girls in the classroom
I HEARD SISTER ROSE WANGUI SPEAK one Sunday about a girl’s school that she founded in the Nakuru region of Kenya. Sister Rose grew up in this area and knows that education is a big key to lifting people in this community out of poverty. She is based at Georgetown Visitation Monastery but goes back and forth to Kenya to check in at the school.
As I listened to soft spoken Sister Rose talk about her calling to establish the Mother of Mercy Girls Secondary School, I found myself straining to hear her words, but nodding in agreement about her mission. Girls everywhere need a good education. I’m the mom of three daughters, of course I would donate to this school. The only catch was I didn’t know the school’s name or where to direct my donation. I milled around the exit for a few minutes, waiting to chat with someone about the school, where to donate, etc.
The next thing I knew, I was traveling to Kenya.

As I perused a photo album filled with pictures of the girls and the cinderblock buildings which served as their classroom, that’s when I met Sister Rose. Small in stature, I soon realized that she was a force of nature, in the best possible way. I told her that I wanted to hear more about her mission. She told me about her dreams for the school, which included having dormitories built for the girls since they were currently sleeping in the cinderblock classrooms. She hoped to have an indoor cafeteria and a computer lab built one day.
We chatted a bit more, then she asked me what I do for a living. I told her that I have a film and television background and work for a public school system creating educational media. Sister Rose looked me right in the eye and said, “Oh, so you’re going to make a video for me?” I laughed, a bit confused and replied, “I don’t know. Do you need a video?”
The next thing I knew, I was buying a solar power backpack, a small handheld camera, wireless mics, headphones, and assorted equipment that would travel with me to Kenya.

Kenyan girls in traditional dress

The old cafeteria
There was a mission group that was building dormitories at the school that summer and I was going to document this event. It’s been five years since I was on assignment in Kenya, and I hope to go back. I’ve been able to keep up with the ongoing work that has been done. The dormitories, the cafeteria and a big meeting space has been completed. The computer lab is a work in progress. And I have no doubt that whatever plans Sister Rose has for the school will come to fruition. If you would like to learn more about the Mother of Mary Mercy Girls Secondary School, please visit: