Putting together the parts

From Notion to Motion

Great stories don’t just happen. They come together in the details shared by many different voices. We have the relationship-building experience it takes to bring in the right stakeholders to share their perspectives. We then painstakingly organize their points to build a story arc that invites the audience in.

Robin Noonan-Price on set with books


In an age when educators are content specialists and media makers, it’s time to bring in a helping hand. With experience in educational media spanning over 20 years, we are the perfect team to assist in creating educational media for classroom learning and professional development.

Robin and Anne directing


With a local team of extraordinary talent, we’ve been behind the scenes on numerous award-winning independent film projects. We consult with you to plan, budget, produce and break into the festival circuit. We know the ropes and would be delighted to collaborate with you on your next project.

Film crew group overhead view

People Like YOU

Do you value collaboration, curiosity, authenticiy, accountability? Then you’re likley a good fit to work with us! Give us a holler & let’s explore the possibilities.

Washinton Monument in distance with flowers in foreground


Effective Government requires effective communication. There is alot to show, explain and understand when you work for a government entity. With experience in government affairs, we are here to use all of our skillsets in movie making, sound producing and message packaging to help you capture the perfect narrative arc in three minutes or ninety.

Kenyan students from Mother of Mercy School


When Sister Rose said she needed to build more classrooms in Kenya, Robin, the founder of Robin’s Nest Media, packed every solar charger she could find to tell the story of an organization. That’s the spirit of this company. We believe in the good work you do and the good work we do.

Film crew group overhead view

People Like YOU

Do you value collaboration, curiosity, authenticiy, accountability? Then you’re likley a good fit to work with us! Give us a holler & let’s explore the possibilities.



Where do you begin? Work with a seasoned producer who can guide you through the process and take your idea from script to screen. 


Directing is an art form. It takes collaboration and communication with people, young, old and in between, to help actors deliver a performance that shines.


 A good script is the foundation of a good story. We can help you get your words on the page.


Ever watch something that was too long or didn’t  provide enough information? Knowing what to cut and what to keep is an important element in crafting a story. That is where great editing can help.


Not all of us have deep pockets. We can help you navigate the world of crowd funding your project.

sheri ratick stroud headshot

When you find a colleague that checks all the boxes you keep them around. Robin Noonan-Price has worked with Wonder Pictures since 2015. Her presence on the set makes a major difference. She is hands-on, professional and knows what she’s doing. Robin’s knowledge and willingness to fit in where needed makes her an extremely important asset on any production. If she’s not available, we move our film dates. Robin is a true professional and a super person to have on your team.”

— sheri ratick stroud and Rich West, Wonder Pictures


Whether you’ve got a solid vision, or need help clarifying it, reach out and let’s talk about it.